Continually Learning Stats & Facts


  1. When employees are encouraged and supported by their organization to learn, the organization benefits in the form of increased productivity, employee loyalty, and the maintenance of brand reputation in the competitive market.
  2. Continuous learning helps companies develop new research, products, services, and keep up with the changing workplace environment and nature
  3. Work is deconstructed into elemental tasks. These tasks are deployed to the optimal source of work (automation, alliances, gig talent, etc.) and the remaining and new tasks are reconstructed into reinvented jobs. For this reason, HR needs to make continuous reinvention of work a core capability and set the stage for continuous learning.
  4. People need to learn new knowledge or skills in order to see things in a new light and take that next leap. When organizations do not support a continual process of learning, innovation does not happen, processes remain unchanged, and nothing new is ever accomplished.


  1. Almost all participants (94%) in a series of CPO focus groups indicated that in order to handle the changing nature of work, it’s become a priority to move from episodic training to perpetual reskilling. Yet only 18% indicate they are prepared to truly drive significant reskilling of the workforce.
  2. Deloitte’s survey found that 42% of employees leave an organization because they don’t find any learning opportunities. Employees have recognized that continuous learning is critical and they expect employers to reinvent themselves. They demand dynamic learning opportunities that fit their needs and schedules.
  3. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), by 2022, no less than 54% of all employees will require significant re- and upskilling. Of these, about 35% are expected to require additional training of up to six months.